Nathan Blake LLP has combined a strong legal track record together with genuine national and international expertise. Our integrated team of qualified Solicitors and Barristers makes us amongst the most versatile and experienced law firms.
Our mission is to provide a high quality, creative, and result – oriented legal team to individuals and businesses, and serve as a primary resource and partner in all aspects of clients' business growth and development.
Thanks for a successful legal battle against a fraudulent Company. I will recommend Mcville any day. .
Luis Anderson
BusinessmanWith Nathan Blake LLP, I was able to put up an Insurance claim..
George Lukas
PharmacistExcellent Customer to client relationship. Keep it up.
Michael Mazek
Civil ServentAt Nathan Blake LLP, we specialize in Family Law, Corporate & Bussines Law, Insurance Law, International Law and Bankruptcy Law.
The family law department of Nathan Blake LLP has a combined experience of spanish and English law; providing family legal services for over 20 years.
Our business law department is specialized in the legal advice of companies and its shareholders. Our service is well distinguished for its long experience in advice and assistance to the shareholders, General Meeting of Shareholders, and Boards of Directors in the compliance of its legal duties; in the negotiation and in the elaboration of business contracts; assistance in solving shareholder conflicts and general business disputes..
Our team of experts comprising the Insurance Law Department at Nathan Blake LLP is highly experienced in the management and resolution of disputes arising from all types of contracts or agreements related to Insurance Law
There are times when we are left with no alternative but to seek justice in the courts in order to defend and protect our rights, sometimes as the plaintiff and sometimes as the defendant. From this double perspective, defence and prosecution, the Procedural Law Department at Nathan Blake LLP places negotiation at the top of its list of strategies, as this is nearly always the best way forward in resolving a conflict. The Department's experience covers all aspects of civil proceedings, and during the last few months the department's members have endeavoured to study the new Law of Civil Procedure in order that we may continue to provide our clients with the best professional service. The objective of the services offered by this practice area is the defence of our clients' interests in court proceedings:
Inheritance is a particularly complex area of law if the estate includes assets abroad . Therefore Nathan Blake LLP is ideally suited to be your legal partner with regards to the estates of foreign nationals
at Nathan Blake LLP we provide Professional Services for our colleagues in the legal sector locally and Internationally.
The Department of Bankruptcy Law at Nathan Blake LLP provides solutions to all related questions, both within the context of Bankruptcy Law as well as in other commercial situations which could be defined as conflictive.
We have a wide range of legal services including employment law advice and litigation services to both employees and employers.
The International Law Department at Nathan Blake LLP endeavours to provide efficient and creative advice on all matters affecting any individual or corporation during the course of their business activities in the international environment. Our activities are focused mainly on advice for the organisation, as well as national and international planning for multinational groups and corporations, such as personal assets, providing advice on the best options offered by different national and international legislation in terms of commerce and tax. All other actions carried out in the course of achieving this objective are supplementary:
Our team of experts comprising the Civil Law Department at Nathan Blake LLP is highly experienced in the management and resolution of disputes arising from all types of contracts or agreements related to Civil Law, including property rights, wills, probate and inheritance rights, family and marital disputes, etc.
1131 W Georgia St, Vancouver, BC V6E 4G2